Monday, April 28, 2008

Retirement Planning Basics

When happy and successful retirees are asked what advice they would offer to a person just entering retirement, most will respond with a variation of Spend as much — or considerably more — time thinking about how you will utilize your days and months as you do contemplating your finances. As one retiree told a newspaper reporter, "Retirement could well represent 25 percent or more of your whole life. Why leave it to chance?

Top Five Replies from Retirees to the Question: "What Would You Do If You Could Replan Retirement?"
  • Save more or save less money - 39 percent
  • Take better care of their health - 29 percent
  • Live closer to their children - 24 percent
  • Retire earlier - 23 percent
  • Get involved in more hobbies - 21 percent

How to Retire Happy, Wild, and Free — The World's Best Retirement Gift

Retirement Image

Over 90,000 Copies Sold

Published in 7 Foreign Languages

    5 Reasons You Want to Receive How to Retire Happy, Wild, and Free as One of Your Retirement Gifts

    1. You want to have a good day - everyday - when you retire!

    2. You "Absolutely, Positively" want to retire happy, wild, and free.

    3. You want to inspire yourself with new accomplishments once you retire.

    4. You want to gain the courage to take early retirement - in fact, the earlier, the better.

    5. You have always wanted to fire your boss and take control of your destiny.

Purchase How to Retire Happy, Wild, and Free on before you submit your retirement letter with this direct link:

The Joy of Not Working — The World's Second Ideal Retirement Gift

Retirement Gift

Over 225,000 Copies Sold
Published in 17 Languages

Like The Bible, The Joy of Not Working tells you everything you need to know to resolve your Life crisis, but doesn't exclude humor in its presentation. Check Chapter 7, "Lighting the Fire Rather than Being Warmed by It", pages 118-120, for a list of 200 activities for your consideration.

— Helga Roberts writing on

Purchase The Joy of Not Working on with this direct link: